How to obtain more Trading Rewards with market making @taominer_bot

Taominer_bot is developed by our partner Crypto TAO Miner. With less trading losses than manual-trading, it performs self-trading with two accounts to obtain high trading volume, so as to get higher trading rewards.

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1.Prepare at least two Avatar wallet addresses with assets of the same trading pair

The bot trades assets between two FXDX accounts like a market maker, so you need to prepare two accounts and deposit the corresponding assets.

For example, you need to deposit $TAO and $USDT in two accounts respectively if your target is $TAO/USDT pair.

For operations such as cross-chain bridge, deposit, authorization, etc., you can refer to here:How to trade on FXDX with assets on the Near

2.Generate keys to let bot operate your account

refer here: Generate Key

3.Interact with the bot via TG

3.1.Click /start

3.2Taominer will send:

Welcome! Seems you are new here.
If you want to mine $TAO by trading, this is where you want.
First, please tell me which symbol you'd like to trade.
Available answers include:

3.3.Send the pair you’d like to trade:

Eg: taousdt

3.4.Taominer will send:

Now I need your fusotao address and trading key of fxdx, login and create one for me,
reply with address,key format.

3.5.Connect your Avatar wallet to FXDX and generate a key. Then input the address and key like this:


3.6.Taominer will send:

Great! Now repeat the step but don't use the same address, because fxdx doesn't allow self trading.

If the bot doesn’t reply to your address,key command, the problem might be you add a blank behind the comma.

3.7.Use your other wallets and generate another key then send it like this form(Here to fill out the second account, so don't repeat):


3.8.Taominer will send:

***`Congratulations! Now you can control the agent by input:`***

***`/run taousdt`***

***`/stop taousdt`***

***`Don't forget to authorize some tokens to fxdx`***

3.9.Then you can send the message like this:

/run taousdt

3.10.Check balance

/balance taousdt


3.11.If you want to stop trading, you should send:

/stop taousdt

3.12.If you want to trade other pairs or restart after stop, you should send:


bot will reply:

Since you have registered one, you can directly reply what do I need.
Reply with 3 lines as follows:




then you should input the expected trading pair:

taousdt 5FQpniVLN3dEUsY7Y3LXSoraoibjQQNcnkW8QiNcnqf4Ln,qZ8qWybxNpczWOUW 5FQpniVLN3dEUsY7Y3LXSoraoibjQQNcnkW8QiNcnqf4Ln,qZ8qWybxNpczWOUW

Taominer will send:

Congrats, now you can input /run taousdt to start.

4.Check orders on FXDX

You can check the order history on FXDX. Click to check

5.Claim Trading Rewards

Rewards can be claimed at the beginning of the next era. And 1 era is 1 day.

Refer here: Trading Rewards

Last updated