
The Fusotao protocol is a decentralized blockchain network. Community users can directly share transaction fees through staking TAO Tokens for the DEXs backed by Fusotao Protocol.

With the minimum of 100 TAO in your $TAO balance, you can stake your tokens to earn $USDT reward from the transaction fees. This can be achieved with the Avatar wallet through these steps.

Go to the Stake section on the Dex interface of the Fusotao Mainnet

  • Input the Value of $TAO tokens you wish to stake then click Stake

  • Confirm the transaction alert on your Avatar wallet

Staking rewards formula is as follows:

Surprisingly, even if you stake at the last minute of a season, after 1 minute the seanson ends, you will be able to get staking rewards.


Go to the unstaking section

● Input the intended amount to be unstaked

● Click β€œUnstake”

● Confirm the transaction alert on your Avatar wallet

After you unstake, you can see your asset status is 'reserved' in your wallet, don't worry, the asset will automatically change to 'free' in 3 days


Claim your share of the transaction fees in the claim section just by clicking β€œclaim”. Then confirm the transaction alert on your Avatar wallet

Staking Rules:

  • The minimum staking amount is 100 $TAO. Share rewards at the end of each staking season

  • $TAO token unstaked at the current season will be automatically sent to your wallet at the beginning of the next season. At the same time, the status changes from 'reserved' to 'free'

Last updated