
Bridging on Avatar Wallet


In order to improve interoperability between appchains and the NEAR ecosystem. For each app chain, Octopus Network offers a light-client-based bridge that connects to NEAR Protocol, making token bridging independent of oracles. To put it another way, moving tokens from NEAR to Fusotao or vice versa does not depend on third parties' trust because both NEAR and Fusotao will verify whether the bridging events occurred by preserving all of their respective finished blocks.The Avatar wallet makes the process even more easier and simple to operate through the following steps:


  • Bridge requires gas fee. From fusotao appchain to Near Network, $TAO is used as gas fee, and vice versa, $NEAR is used as gas fee

  • WNEAR is not the only asset that can be bridged, other asset like $TAO,octopus,usdt and lots more can also be bridge to both Blockchains

Bridging WNEAR from the NEAR ecosystem to the Fusotao appchain

1/Click on the bridge button

Click on the bridge option on the top right of the wallet while you are on the NEAR asset interface


Change the conversion asset from NEAR network to Fusotao appchain

3/Input the value

Input the value of the WNEAR to be bridged then click Transfer and check account assets

Bridging WNEAR from the Fusotao appchain to the Near Ecosystem

1/Click on the bridge button

Click on the bridge option on the top right of the wallet while you are on the NEAR asset interface


Change the conversion asset from Fusotao appchain to Near network

3/Input the value

Input the value of the WNEAR to be bridged then click Transfer

4/Bridge successful

Last updated